Gluten Free Calzone Dough

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This dough is easier to work with than other recipes I've come across to make delicious calzones.
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Calzone Dough
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Calzone Dough
Making The Insides
  1. In a large pan, cook onion and pepper until soft. Also add ham if using it.
  2. Turn heat off and add broccoli, cauliflower, nuts/seeds, seasonings, and mustard/mayo. Mix well, put lid on and allow to sit while you prepare the crust.
Making The Dough
  1. In a medium to large bowl mix all your dough ingredients together (add gluten free flour last).
  2. Divide dough into desired amount of balls. You can either make one mega calzone, 2 large calzones, or 4 smaller calzones.
Putting It All Together
  1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough into oval-rectangle shape(s) and start by adding a layer of cheese of half of the crust. Add your filling on top of that making sure not to overfill (You need room to crimp it closed). Add one more layer of cheese before closing.
  2. Fold dough over in half, and seal the edges of the calzone. If desired you can do an egg wash on the tops to give a more glossy finish.
  3. Place calzones on oiled cookie sheet and bake at 400°F for 15-20 minutes or until crust is golden brown.
Recipe Notes

*Ingredients listed are just the ones we like to use but are really up to what your preference is.

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