
Speckled Sussex Chicken Breed

I’ve tried out several different breeds of backyard chickens and the Speckled Sussex is definitely one of my favorites for a variety of reasons. They are one of the best breeds for egg laying, cold hardy, friendly, excellent foragers, and have very beautiful plumage that helps them blend in here on the mountain from predators. They’ve withstood negative degree temperatures and continued to lay eggs for us. They have it all. They are a perfect breed for beginners and for those with kids.

**FINALLY, A Smart Coop For Chickens (CLICK HERE)**

​A Quick Rundown About The Breed

Origins: Sussex is a county in south-eastern England where this chicken is originally from. The bird was used for their tasty meat and excellent egg production.

Purpose: Dual Purpose (Meat & Eggs)

Egg Laying: Dependable layers, they lay an average of 4-5 large light brown eggs per week, or about 240 eggs per year. They will continue laying even into the colder winter months where others breeds may stop.

Health: Hardy breed known especially for their cold tolerance, but they do okay in warmer climates as well.

Temperament: Calm, docile, curious, quiet, and friendly personalities make them great homestead birds and great with kids. Many even like to talk to you and follow you around. They do well in both large and small spaces, but every chicken is most happy when they can free range. 

Size: Heavy (Hens 6-7 lbs, Roosters 8-9 lbs)

Plumage: Their plumage is great for the mountains and helps to camouflage them for predators. They range from a mahogany color to a lighter orange color. Each year when they molt the get more and more of those pretty speckles all over. 

Broodiness: They tend go broody and make excellent mothers. 

I hope you get the chance to try this breed out and see firsthand how great these birds they are.


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