
Healthier Meal & Snack Ideas For Toddlers/Kids

When I’d looked up meal ideas for a 1 year old, I wasn’t always happy with what I saw . . . hot dogs, canned fruits/vegetables, chips . . . though some ideas were great inspiration for me to make my own foods for my daughter. Like instead of buying frozen processed chicken nuggets, I learned to make homemade organic chicken nuggets. I wanted to feed as fresh of food as possible, and encourage healthy eating habits at a young age.

Meal Plans: I like to try and provide each meal with a main entre that’s going to be filling, along with a vegetable and a fruit. I also like to avoid large portions of meat and dairy as these are known for not being the greatest for human health.

Farm to Table: Having our little homestead, I love being able to provide food I know is fresh for my family . . . fresh eggs, fresh rabbit meat, fresh goats milk & cheese, fresh garden veggies . . . It’s also great being able to teach and show our daughter where her food comes from.

Fruits/Veggies: I avoid any canned fruits and veggies that, to me, have no nutritional value. I use fresh as much as possible with the occasional frozen fruits in a smoothie.

Meat Protein: Again, I don’t like processed meat like hot dogs, lunch meat, pepperoni . . . I stick with cleaner meats like organic chicken, beef, rabbit, eggs, fresh caught trout.

Sneaking In Veggies: Several kids don’t like veggies. My daughter seemed to like them initially until she realized there were tastier things to eat. Simple ways to include veggies are simply mincing them up small enough to where your child doesn’t realize they are getting them. Examples would be like blending them into a smoothie, oatmeal, meatballs, baked goods . . . or finely dicing them into dishes like mac & cheese, lasagna, or omelets.

Sometimes simply offering the veggies in a fun new way will get your tot to eat them. So if you always slice a fruit or veggies one way, try slicing in another way (sticks vs circles vs chunks).

I’ve also found that sometimes offering a whole chunk encourages my little girl to chomp away at it. For example she won’t really eat sliced apple as much as if I just give her a whole apple to walk around with and eat at her leisure.

And lastly, sometimes instead of feeding her nicely prepared meals all at once, I’ll offer each course separately. Feeding her the least appetizing thing first, and the tastier things last. So I’ll give her the veggies first until she’s either eaten them or done playing with them. Then she’ll get her main course before finally getting her fruit which is her favorite and guaranteed to get eaten.

Here’s Some Meal Ideas . . .


Kids need snacks too as little energy boosters between meal. Many of our daughters’ snacks will consist of fruits or veggies as would go with her main meals. We try to make good decisions on other traditionally snacks like crackers and sweets by opting for homemade or organic healthy alternatives. Here are some examples of what we give our little girl . . .

Food Waste?

Food that doesn’t get eaten would normally end up in the trash, or if it’s not too mashed up can be saved for later. But on a homestead you have chickens to clean up the mess for you!


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