
Azure Standard: Bulk Organic Foods

I love Azure Standard and have been using them for the majority of my bulk shopping needs, like making my own chicken feed, goat feed, my own food needs. I have found them to be the best source for buying organic bulk items for less.  

What is Azure Standard? In short, they’re mainly an online company located in Dufer, OR with a 2,000 acre ranch. They pride themselves in growing organic quality bulk foods.  


Recent Troubles: About a year or so ago they actually reached out to their customers for help as the state of Oregon was requiring the spraying of weeds across the entire state, including them. The problem with that is they couldn’t call themselves organic farmers if they were spraying pesticides on or near their crops so they needed help to fight this. If they did not comply the county threatened to put a lean on their land and make them pay out of pocket to have the spraying done. Azure succeeded in preventing this as enough customers, including my husband and myself, emailed letters to the county demanding that they stop this at once. A happy ending you don’t often see and they can continue to provide organic products. 


Quality Service: I have found Azure Standard to be very well coordinated with how they run things. They almost always answer the phone when I call and are very professional and friendly. The one time I had a damaged bag of oats (only lost maybe 1 cup of oats), they voluntarily gave me a $5 credit on my account to make up for it. They’re wonderful! 

The only negative experience I’ve had with them was when I decided to buy organic cherries. I don’t generally order produce as I find it risky and like to pick my own out. Sure enough when I got my order, only about half the cherries were good. The rest were moldy or on their way to spoiling. I threw the moldy ones away and the remaining ones that were so so went to the chickens. The chickens were pretty happy about it.

Getting Set Up: All you have to do is set up an account with them and order what you need. You can either have products sent directly to your residence, OR, there’s a cheaper option. Once a month, Azure has trucks that make deliveries to specific drop off points. You can either call or find out on their website which is closest to you. Once you’ve joined a group, you’ll have contact with whomever the coordinator is for your particular drop. Their job is to send you emails of upcoming order deadlines, when the drops are, and any special deals going on at the time. 

Interested?: You can go to this link here . . . www.azurestandard.com/start and enter Share Code: AlishaChesley1 to get started. They are happy to help you if you have any questions at  971-200-8350. 

Note that I don’t have any direct association with the products promoted on this site. I’m a customer of Azure and with their share program, I may be given credit when you purchase using my share code or the links provided on other blogs for Azure.

All pictures in this post from Pixabay


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