
Traveling With Vinny The Goose

You get a lot of looks when you travel with a goose. A lot of cell phones get whipped out and people want to chat. 

Most of Vinny’s traveling is done with our trips between Colorado and Utah. Already having 3 dogs that travel with us in my small SUV, Vinny travels with my dog (Keeneye) in the very back of the car. Keeneye’s the most tolerant of the dogs with sitting next to Vinny, though he still hates it.  

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Travel consists of changing his diaper at each stop, which most times has already filled up before I get to it. I lay a towel down to catch any overflow. There’s also the opportunity to get out of the car on his harness and leash to stretch his legs and wings. We stop about every 2-4 hours so he’s generally thirsty and hungry at each stop too. I’ve found that his poops are easier to manage, and are more solid, if I just feed him a couple of pieces of romaine lettuce at each stop, verses his pellets which seem to cause loose messy stools.  

During travel he’ll either look out the window, or nibble at the seat or whatever he can reach. He doesn’t really lay down until it starts to get dark outside. If I turn around to look at him, he’ll start to talk and squawk loudly. Sometimes I’ll start conversations with him, and he’ll chat back. He’s also responsive to what’s playing on the radio. Sometimes he’ll start to scream at a random song that comes on and won’t stop until the song is changed. It’s funny for a time, but eventually you just want silence. Ignoring his fits seems to shorten how long they last. 

His other common travels have been trips with me to the park. These are usually solo mission with him, Keeneye, and myself, so Vinny gets shot gun. Though if it’s a hot day he prefers going back behind me. He’ll eat some grass, take a dip/bath in the pond, and we’ll walk around the park a bit before going back to the car. Once he’s wet, he spends his time preening and grooming as we make our way home.  

He’s been on a couple of fun day trips. It can be difficult picking a goose safe environment to go play at. When he was really young, we went to a reservoir in Cherry Creek near the Little Sahara Sand Dunes. He did well though he wasn’t super interested in playing in the water, especially as the dogs were hogging it. But I think he otherwise enjoyed the new experience. We walked around a bit and enjoyed a small fire. 

When he was an adult, we visited the Uinta Mountains for a fun filled day. He got to bathe in the lake for a moment but was more interesting in wandering. He was a little confused as to why we were there, and what it was all about. It was in the fall so there wasn’t much in the way of grass for him to eat. Confused or not it was another enriching experience for him, though I’m sure he was glad to get home and eat dinner.  

He’s a pretty well-traveled goose and knows the routine of car rides. Lady Bird is catching on to travel in the car but unfortunately, this makes her less enjoyable to travel with. She’ll make her high-pitched squawk that she does when she can’t find Vinny, and we have to holler back and get her attention to get her to stop. She’s not as good about personal space either and ends up stepping on Keeneye, or even worse, she’ll bite at him, which makes him uncomfortable, so he starts moving around too. Traveling with one goose isn’t bad, but with two geese in the picture, there’s a crate predicted for the future.   

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