
Different Meat Rabbit Breeds

When you are first thinking of getting into raising meat rabbit, you’ll find that their are several different breeds of meat rabbits to choose from. As far as choosing one, it really comes down to availability in your area, as well as personal preference and what your looking for in a meat rabbit.

For instance I chose to go with Rex Rabbits. They come in a variety of colors and have very soft velvet coats. The only downside is they are a little on the smaller side and take a little bit longer to reach market weight. But that was okay with us as we raise rabbit more as a hobby.

Here’s a quick rundown of each breed and some of their characteristics . . .


New Zealand

Size: 9-12 lbs

Colors: White, Red, Black, Blue, and Broken

Temperament: Easy going, docile, easy to handle

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: One of the most popular meat rabbits out there. These rabbits mature and are ready for processing very quickly at 8-12 weeks old.



Size: 8-12 lbs

Colors: White w/ Dark Markings

Temperament: Mellow, Gentle, Docile

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: A cross between Chinchilla rabbits and New Zealand Whites, Californians are the second most popular meat rabbit. Their mellow dispositions make them easy to raise. Coat is dense and coarse, not soft like some other breeds.

Standard Rex

Size: 7.5-10.5 lbs

Colors: Blue, Black, Amber, Chocolate, Lilac, Sable, Opal, Red, Seal, Linx, White, Broken, Californian, Castor, Chinchilla, and Otter

Temperament: Docile, Maternal, Intelligent

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: A little on the smaller side for meat rabbits, rex rabbits have unique velvet fur coats. Their docile temperaments make them great pets and excellent mothers. With so many colors to choose from, there’s something for everybody.

American Chinchilla

 Size: 9-12 lbs

Colors: Chinchilla

Temperament: Docile, Gentle, Friendly

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: Popular for meat and fur, but this breed is more uncommon and difficult to find.


Silver Fox

Size: 9-12 lbs

Colors: Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, and White

Temperament: Friendly, Docile, Calm

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: More of a rare breed, only the black color can be shown. Popular with homesteaders.


Champagne D’ Argent

Size: 9-12 lbs

Colors: Black with Silver

Temperament: Gentle, Calm, Curious

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: Great tasting meat with a good meat to bone ratio.



Size: 9-11 lbs

Colors: Light brown (cinnamon-like) color with smoky gray shading around the ears, snout and paws.

Temperament: Docile, Calm, Friendly

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: A cross between New Zealand White and American Chinchilla, this breed can be difficult to find.



Size: 8.5-12 lbs

Colors: White, Black, Blue, Siamese, Californian, Chinchilla, Copper, Chocolate, Copper, Red, Otter, Broken

Temperament: Docile, Calm, Friendly

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: Cold hardy with great temperaments and beautiful silky coats.




Size: 8-11lbs

Colors: Golden, Lynx

Temperament: Docile, Sweet, Maternal

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: Slower growing compared to other breeds.



Florida White

Size: 4-8 lbs

Colors: White

Temperament: Relaxed, Quiet, Friendly

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems.

Description: On the smaller side for a meat rabbit. This breed was originally developed in Florida for laboratory purposes. They have an excellent feed to meat conversion ratio.

BONUS: Flemish Giant

Size: 9-14 lbs (some up to 22 lbs)

Colors: Black, Blue, Steel Gray, Light Grey, Sandy, Fawn, White

Temperament: Docile, Sweet, Intelligent

Health: Hardy, not susceptible to a lot of health problems though care needs to be taken to prevent sore hocks.

Description: Though these rabbits reach large sizes, these gentle giants are not the best breed for meat production. They grow slower and are bigger boned. Therefore, they have a poor feed to meat conversion ratio.

And there you have it! There’re so many wonderful breeds to choose from. It’s just finding what works best for you.


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Photos From Pixabay: New Zealand, Californian, American Chinchilla, Silver Fox, Champagne D’ Argent, Cinnamon, Satin, Palomino, Florida White, Flemish Giant, Florida White


https://www. petguide.com/breeds/rabbit/californian-rabbit/

https:// petkeen.com/best-meat-rabbit-breeds/

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