
Not Giving Grain To Goats In Milk

Giving goats grain while you milk them is something that is just automatically done in the milking world. It’s a treat that they LOVE and look forward to, as well as providing those few extra calories to make more milk. BUT, it also makes for very whiny loud goats. If you’re lucky it’s only around milking time. If you unlucky you have goats that are loud all day because they are so intent on getting their treat.

We finally couldn’t stand it and decided to take away the grain. We did try to replace it with alfalfa pellets, but as they already would get that for their dinner, it was not a substitute that made them happy. So they got nothing. It took one of our goats a couple of months to stop expecting any grain on the milk stand.

The Downsides

Fidgety On The Milk Stand: The girls who were used to having grain on the milk stand would throw little tantrums where they would bellow on the stand in protest. Or my girl who can already be naughty would act a little naughtier. We’re curious to see how our newest doeling acts next year as she has never associated the milks stand with grain.

Drop In Milk Production: Yes, there is a slight drop in milk production. How much depends on feed. We give alfalfa pellets and alfalfa/grass mix hay so the drop in milk is roughly 10-20%. This isn’t a major deal to us as we have such good milkers to begin with that even at the decreased amount, we have more than enough milk to keep us busy with cheese making, ice cream . . . The further a goat gets into production, there will be a gradual decline as winter draws near. Our girl Kiddo got to about half her original production by the time winter came and it was time to dry her up.

The Upsides

No More Noise: Eventually the girls gave up on thinking there would ever be grain again and settled down back to normal like they are when they are not in milk.

Save Money: Goats in milk go through a surprising amount of grain quick. We absolutely save money not having to buy several bags of grain each year.

Easier On Gut: Grain can be rough on a goat’s digestive tract. Especially when served daily. Not giving grain makes it easier going on the goats long term.

Despite the downsides, we enjoy the quiet much more. The only reason I would go back to serving grain would be if I plan on showing them (which I’d like to do eventually). But my husband insists that the grain be given at another time other than milking time to avoid the noise all over again. I’d love to hear your experiences and how your goats are with grain verses without grain.

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