
Introducing Lady Bird

Once Vinny was a big boy and I was less hands on and social with him, it was time to get him a lady friend. I wanted him to have someone to have company besides the chickens when I couldn’t be there.  

I didn’t really want another full-sized goose as we still traveled with Vinny, so I tried getting a baby duckling in hopes that Vinny would take to it. He wasn’t too interested, so the duckling was instead adopted by one of my chickens that has just has chicks. 

**FINALLY, A Smart Coop For Chickens (CLICK HERE)**

 So, I inevitably had to search the classifieds for a female Toulouse goose of similar age to him. I finally found a good fit, and took Vinny with me to go pick her up. The people got a kick out of Vinny, and wanted to be kept updated on how him and his new lady did.  

First introduction was iffy, we carried his new girl up to him and he bit her on the face. To keep things friendly on the drive home, Vinny stayed in his seat in the very back, and I kept his new girlfriend on my lap. During the drive they’d communicate back and forth to each other. 

Lady Bird, as her name came to be, took an immediate liking to Vinny. She was raised with other geese so naturally she wanted to be around another fellow goose. She had no desire to be around people whatsoever, and will stay as far away from us as possible. If she’s cornered, she’ll hiss and if necessary, try to bite. The biting doesn’t really work with us so she has no choice but to mellow out. 

Once we got both birds home and put them in their pen, Vinny took another bite at her. She didn’t really react to the biting so Vinny would just ignore her and go about his business. For weeks Vinny tolerated Lady Bird but didn’t really bond until a bit later. During the day when the birds were out and about free ranging, Lady Bird is the one that tries to keep an eye on Vinny and stick around him, not so much the other way around. If Vinny sees something he wants to check out or wants to say hello to me, he’ll abandoned Lady Bird to do so. If she can’t see Vinny, she’ll start to squawk for him to try and find him. It’s quite comical at times, especially as he tends to ignore her calls. Guys, right?  

Ultimately, he’s got a feathered companion to keep him company, and as their bond grows, we’re hopeful that they’ll become a breeding pair come springtime and have cute little baby goslings.  


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