
How To Sex Rabbits

Sexing rabbits can be very easy once you get the hang of it. However, it can be pretty difficult when they are very young. It’s best to wait until kits are weaned at 7-8 weeks to check the sex, and separate the boys from the girls. 


I find it easiest to have my husband securely hold the rabbits while I check the sexes. But you can do it on your own as well. Get a firm hold of the rabbit and flip it on its back. Covering the eyes helps to keep them calm. Use your thumb and pointer finger to firmly but gently push and spread the genital area open to revel either the lady or gentleman parts.  


Females are described to have a slit or a “taco” as seen below. 


Males have more of a cylinder that pops straight up, or a “burrito” as seen below. 

Practice makes perfect. The older the rabbit is, the easier it will be to tell what sex they are. Males that are old enough will also start to show testicles in the form of pink skin patches on either side.

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