Keeneye's Corner

7 Unique Must Have Cat Products

If you have a cat, you likely already have the essentials like a bed, food & water bowls . . . the essentials. The following are 7 items are things that go above and beyond for your feline companion . . .

1. Outdoor Catio Set Up

The average life expectancy of an outdoor cat is only 2-5 years. For an indoor cat it’s roughly 14-17 years. And though I think outdoors cats get a more fulfilling life. It’s a dangerous world out there for them with dogs, cars, and even malicious neighbors who hate cats in their yard. So what can you do? Provide your cats the outdoor experience in a way that protects them. Provide them a catio where they are safe but can feel like their outside. You can make your own set up or find affordable options on online. There are even companies out there the specialize in pretty exotic set ups. Your cat will love it!

2. Exercise Wheel

Some cats have higher energy needs than others. Just like you need to walk and play ball with a dog. Cats need a way to take care of their physical needs too. An exercise wheel can be an effective way to accomplish this. Especially if you don’t have a lot of indoor space to run around. Just flick a toy above their head to get them going and make it more fun.

3. Cat Wall Furniture

This is another unique way to provide your indoor cat a way to “escape” the household. Cats generally like to be up high where they feel safe and secure. Especially is you have rowdy kids or dogs around the house that make them feel more threatened. There’s a lot of attractive looking set ups that will satisfy both you as the homeowner and your cat(s).

4. Leash & Harness

If you’re really dedicated to fulfilling your cat’s wild side. Get them a harness and leash. This is another more interactive way to provide your cat the outdoor cat experience. But in a safe and responsible way that keeps them safe. This can also be helpful if you have a cat the marks in the house. By giving them the opportunity to mark their territory outside and tell the other outdoor cats that this is their home.

5. Kitty Condo Tower

Growing up we had a very basic DYI cat tree for out cat. A 5 ft cylinder with a couple of shelves above that making it an 8ft tall cat tree. The cats loved it. Now days cat trees have become a lot more elaborate with shelves, caves, hanging toys, ladders, and scratching posts. I good cat tree can become one of your cat’s favorite places to hang out to play and sleep.

6. Cat Hammock

Most cats love sleeping in something that’s cupped and suspended. Now days you can find cat hammocks that provide this. A good design is breathable, easy to clean, and sturdy. You might have to get one for your dog too if you have a small dog.

7. Interactive Toys

Cats are born with the instinct to hunt. And fulfilling that side of your cat is crucial to their overall mental wellbeing. Finding interactive toys that move can make it all the more realistic and fulfilling for your little predator.

Hope you found this post interesting. I enjoyed researching the fun things you can do with and for your cats. My personal favorite has got to be the outdoor catio set up. Once a cat gets a taste of the outdoors, they suddenly can’t get enough of it. Happy trails!

*Featured image is from Pixabay

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