Oatmeal Treats For Goats (Booster Options)
My goats maul me to get to these treats. They LOVE them!
Main Ingredients
Optional Boost Ingredients
  1. In a high speed blender, grind at least 1-1.5 cups of your rolled oats. This will allow you to pack your treats together more tightly so they don’t fall apart.
  2. In a bowl, mix your oats and molasses together. Follow this with any boosters you want to put in. Add more molasses as needed until everything sticks together well.
  3. Use a teaspoon to scoop out your little treats and place them on a cookie sheet or whatever you have.
  4. Allow to dry in a warm place. This can take hours or days to dry all the way. If they are not completely dry you’ll want to store them in the fridge for up to 2-3 weeks. Otherwise you’ll want to use them up within about a week.
  5. You can oven dry them at 175-200°F and it’ll be much quicker. BUT, if you added any boosters like the moringa powder then they nutrients could be damaged by the heat. Hope you goats enjoy them!