
City girl gone country, I’ve always wanted to live on a farm of sorts where I can raise and look after animals, as well as grow my own food. 5 years in the making and here we are. My husband and I bought 10 acres and counting in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, and for starters, have began raising chickens, rabbits, and goats.

Here I’ll be covering a wide range of topics including chickens, rabbits, and goat care, off the grid living, and a few other miscellaneous topics. I look forward to start sharing!

Keeneye’s Corner: As much of my life has been spent in the world of dogs, I’d like to add “Keeneye’s Corner” to this blog mix. Keeneye’s the first dog I’ve ever owned, and for many years was my only companion. We’ve been through a lot together, and I’m excited to share our adventures and experiences with you.

YouTube Channel: Falcone Family Farm – YouTube

Visit Our Official Farm Site Here: https://keeneye123.wixsite.com/falconefamilyfarm

*Photos: Most photos were taken by myself (Alisha Falcone), though several come from a royalty free website (pixabay.com). Any other photos the owner will be credited.