Gluten Free Pie Bites
  1. If pie dough has been hand made from scratch, roll out a thin layer to prepare for step two.
  2. With a 3 in diameter cookie cutter or cup of similar size, cut out circles and line a greased cookie sheet with about a dozen circles.
  3. In each circle, spoon out about 1-2 tsp cream cheese, followed by 1-2 tsp of fruit preserves.
  4. Cut out another set of dough circles and with a metal spatula, carefully scoop up and place circles on top of the filling. Use a fork to work your way around the edges of each pie bite and seal them up. Poke a small hole in the tops with a toothpick for steam to escape during cooking.
  5. If you end up with extra dough, you can make extra pie bites until you run out of ingredients.
  6. Brush the tops of the pie bites with the beaten egg before placing them into the oven for 22-25 minutes at 350°F.
  7. Allow to cool 10-15 minutes (filling will be HOT), enjoy warm, store extras in the fridge.